Africa’s Renewable Energy Transition to Uplift the Continent

Ainojie Irune, the Chief Operating Officer of Oando Energy Resources, delivered a compelling message at the recent Africa Oil Week held in Cape Town, South Africa. Irune’s address centered on the urgent need for regional cooperation among African nations to expedite the continent’s energy transition, a crucial step toward a sustainable and prosperous future.

Irune highlighted the duality of the energy transition in Africa, recognizing that it brings with it both opportunities and challenges. The continent grapples with substantial energy deficits in production, despite being endowed with abundant renewable energy resources that serve as the bedrock of their transition aspirations.

Individually, most African nations find themselves hampered by financial limitations, technical constraints, and insufficient human capacity necessary for the comprehensive implementation of a green energy transition. To surmount these hurdles, Irune passionately stressed the necessity of prioritizing regional collaboration. Such cooperation would harmonize the costs associated with deploying, operating, and scaling renewable energy projects, making them more accessible and affordable for all. Irune emphasized that it is only by working together that progress can be achieved, ultimately paving the way for a brighter energy future across the African continent.

Participating in the Energy Leaders Debate, themed ‘How can the African continent attain sustainability and increase access to modern energy services for its people?’ Irune put forward practical solutions to accelerate Africa’s energy transition and its aspirations for achieving net zero emissions. He underscored Africa’s standing as a renewable energy powerhouse, emphasizing that the continent possesses the requisite resources, capacity, and a burgeoning population, all factors that favorably position it to lead the way in the global energy transition.

Irune’s unequivocal message echoed the sentiments of many energy experts and policymakers who recognize the vital role that Africa can play in the global push for clean and sustainable energy. By harnessing its abundant renewable energy resources and through collaborative efforts among nations, Africa has the potential to not only meet its energy demands but also to set a compelling example for the world to follow.

Ainojie Irune’s call for regional cooperation to expedite Africa’s energy transition is a timely and crucial reminder of the continent’s potential. The opportunities presented by renewable energy resources must be seized, and the challenges addressed through collective action. Africa’s role in the energy transition is pivotal, and its commitment to sustainability will not only benefit the continent but also contribute to the global fight against climate change.


  • Samson Adeyemo

    An experienced broadcast and print media journalist with nose for news and proven track records of success without compromising objectivity.

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