Renewable energy

Nigeria’s Solar Mini-Grid Initiative to Boost Electricity

Clean-energy firm Husk Power Systems is embarking on an ambitious initiative to deploy 500 solar mini-grids in Nigeria within the next five years, as reported by TechCrunch. This endeavor is a vital part of their mission to provide electricity to the millions of people residing in sub-Saharan Africa, the most under-electrified region globally, with roughly…

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Great Energy Partnership for Nigeria

In a significant move aimed at accelerating and broadening the funding of sustainable clean energy solutions in Nigeria, Berkshire and Reohob, two prominent companies, have forged a strategic partnership. This collaboration also seeks to power households and commercial activities across the nation, emphasizing the urgent need to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and

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Nigeria and Other African Nations Joins Day of Action for Renewable Energy

On November 3rd to 4th, 2023, the global environmental watchdog, will unite with frontline communities and grassroots organizations worldwide for a momentous event known as “Power Up.” This initiative seeks to galvanize political support for a global renewable energy revolution and compel the fossil fuel industry to be held accountable for its role in the

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Federal Government Declares Billions of Dollars for Renewable Energy Investment

Over the past decade, the federal government proudly declares that it has successfully lured a substantial $2 billion in investments into the burgeoning renewable energy sector. The revelation came through a statement issued in Abuja by Mutari Ibrahim, the Director of Promotion and Outreach at the Rural Electrification Agency. The agency’s remarkable achievement in garnering

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New Energy Chief Appointed to Transform Nigeria’s Renewable Energy Landscape

President Tinubu is placing high hopes on the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) to play a pivotal role in his administration’s ambitious plan to transform the nation’s energy landscape. The President envisions a future where Nigeria’s energy sources are diversified in a coordinated manner throughout the government, ultimately leading

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Oando Plc, Takes Bold Step towards Advancing Clean Energy Solutions in Nigeria

Oando Plc, a prominent Nigerian multinational energy company, has taken a significant step towards advancing sustainable clean energy solutions in Nigeria by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FuelCell Energy, a leading innovator in renewable power technologies based in the United States. This transformative agreement was inked during a high-profile roadshow, organized by the

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Renewable Energy Pushes up it’s Importance Amidst Ukraine’s Unrest

Despite the ongoing unrest in Ukraine, the production of biomethane, bioethanol, and biodiesel has emerged as a pivotal component for the nation’s agricultural and processing sectors, contributing significantly to Ukraine’s quest for energy independence. The potential within this sector is indeed vast, as highlighted by Ukraine’s deputy minister of agrarian policy and food during an

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The Push for Africa’s Base Line for Renewable Energy

African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina is championing the cause of renewable energy in Africa, emphasizing the continent’s vast energy potential. During his keynote address at the Africa Climate Summit on September 4th, he stressed that the prosperity of every economy is intrinsically linked to the energy it generates. Adesina highlighted Africa’s underutilized energy resources,

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Nigeria’s WATT Secures $13 Million Investment

Nigeria’s WATT Renewable Corporation (WATT) has achieved a significant milestone by securing a $13 million investment to further bolster its efforts as a leading autonomous provider of hybrid solar systems. This financial boost comes courtesy of Empower New Energy, a key player in the renewable energy sector, excelling in both financing and co-development. Empower New

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Africa’s Renewable Energy Transition to Uplift the Continent

Ainojie Irune, the Chief Operating Officer of Oando Energy Resources, delivered a compelling message at the recent Africa Oil Week held in Cape Town, South Africa. Irune’s address centered on the urgent need for regional cooperation among African nations to expedite the continent’s energy transition, a crucial step toward a sustainable and prosperous future. Irune

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